Monday, April 7, 2008

this thing, this metal thing

i will say this about my newfound oldfound love of what is called heavy metal: it has re-awakened my musical curiosity. see, when i was a youth there was nothing i loved more than reading reviews and buying music i had never heard based on album cover (you're living all over me) or label (metal blade) or what have you. as i grew older that curiosity waned as more and more stuff just kind of sat there in my ears doing not much. i became that guy, telling stories of yore, you know, when indie rock was actually independent of something and metal didn't sound so cartoonishly scoobie doo. i eagerly awaited the new built to spill and mark eitzel records with nothing much in between. then i went and saw the sword at intonation and that thing that was dormant was released a bit. the riff came back into my life. megadeth started putting out good records, dave lombardi re-joined slayer, and the classic anthrax line up played the house of blues. the cagey veterans were rejuvinated and so was i. long story short(er), somehow when i wasn't looking a pretty fucking great underground metal scene had been chugging along. the 90's weren't so much the barren wasteland of neu metal as i thought. high on fire led me back to sleep which led me to om which showed me the way to electric wizard which brought me to relapse records and kemado and rise above. yesterday i bought a burning witch 2-cd retrospective purely because it looked boss and was on southern lord. fuck yeah i did.

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