Monday, April 28, 2008

in case you are not maria and don't know that i bought a blender...

i did. i bought a blender. we won't get into the details of how persuasively maria shoves doubt directly into my brain. we'll save that for another day. besides, she's the one that deposits cash through the atm so who is she to judge? anyways, blender. mainly for smoothies. seems like i've found the one thing trader joe's does really well: cheap frozen fruit. ok, so i'm making smoothies. turns out there is another bonus besides the obvious delicious health benefits: it forces me to shower on my days off. these things make me so damn cold, like to the bone cold (i'm literally replacing my marrow with this icy goodness. i mean, i think i am), that i've no choice but to jump into the shower for no other reason than to get my body temperature up to something approaching normal. this, in turn, makes me feel less of a lazy slob on my days off. physical AND mental heath benefits. who knew?

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