Wednesday, May 14, 2008

frye johnson: RIP

today we are a one cat house. frye has gone to that big apartment in the sky, free to chase invisible things and knock over all the nick-nacks his heart desires. i know i've said some pretty harsh things about cats but, let's be clear, i am no monster. i don't enjoy watching them suffer (i don't enjoy watching them, period). the poor guy lost his brave battle with whatever the hell was wrong with his pee hole/man made vagina. he put on a brave face day after day but became too sick to go on. frye johnson, you were a crazy fucker that for some reason felt the need to bum rush my bedroom only to get stuck in the hamper or hide in a corner. i may not have understood your needs and desires but i never wished an infected pisser on you. may your pee always run yellow in that great big litter box in the sky. that's the great big litter box in that great big apartment that i assume is in the sky. is that what you wish for a cat? dogs are easy. a field to run in. maybe a farm so he has some buddies. what does a dead cat get? a giant sofa? filled with mice? walls made of tuna? anyways, frye, god speed

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