Thursday, March 27, 2008

virtual cigars and frye's vagina

so i am an uncle now twice over. jasper james meyerson has found himself thrust into my family's strange little world and if there was any question my brother has been in l.a. too long go re-read that kid's name. zander and now jasper. the suffix brothers. i imagine the schoolyard taunts will be something like that. hey, suffix brothers, how's about you form nouns to designate persons from the object of their occupation or labor. that'll hurt.
the larger picture here is that i just realized how late a start my brother got on this making me an uncle thing. i'm almost 38. that means by the time of competitive 2 on 2 basketball or doubles tennis i will be, wait for it, i'm about to type this, here it comes, look away if you are not willing to know the truth.....51!. 50-fucking-1. my brother will be 58. these little punks are going to destroy us. fuck, i need to start working on my game.
part 2: frye got his stitches out the other day and his cone removed in a touching cone removal ceremony yesterday. he is now free to pursue his new life as a woman. time to change the pronouns i guess. let's all make this as easy on him as possible by buying him little kitty tu-tu's and flaunting our penises.

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